
Dumb Little Man: 5 Life Lessons Learned From The World Cup

Dumb Little Man: 5 Life Lessons Learned From The World Cup

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5 Life Lessons Learned From The World Cup

Posted: 08 Jul 2014 05:11 AM PDT

Tim-Howard--Team-USA-goalie--2014-World-Cup-jpgSports metaphors for life are a bit cliche, and there wouldn't be so many of them if there wasn't something to it. As a large portion of the world comes to a near standstill, celebrating I wanted to take a look at the subtext below the dressing up in our country's colors, drinking and cheering. 1. Progressing Doesn't Always Mean Winning On the final day of the group games the USA had won its 1st game, drawn its second game, and was facing a superior opponent. If they won or forced a tie they would progress. If they lost they might not have progressed to the next stage of the competition, they were dependent on the result of the other game in the group. Though […]

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