
Dumb Little Man: 4 Baby Steps to Approach Minimalism As a Lifestyle Today

Dumb Little Man: 4 Baby Steps to Approach Minimalism As a Lifestyle Today

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4 Baby Steps to Approach Minimalism As a Lifestyle Today

Posted: 21 Jul 2014 07:37 AM PDT

3For anyone who is not acquainted with the trend, let me give you a quick overview. In recent years a crowd of authors and bloggers revived this very old philosophy, which is based on the principle of living more conscious with less possessions and distractions. Sites such as Zen Habits, The Minimalists or Becoming Minimalist suggest that we should declutter our stuff, calendars and personal life to get rid of unnecessary possessions, busy time, overwhelming goals and fruitless relationships. By doing so we redefine our needs and also eliminate complexity, stress and frustration to achieve a simpler and more fulfilled life. Or to say it in the words of one of the leading minimalist bloggers Joshua Becker: "At its core, minimalism is the intentional promotion […]

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