
Dumb Little Man: One Thing Everybody Should Do To Improve Their Life

Dumb Little Man: One Thing Everybody Should Do To Improve Their Life

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One Thing Everybody Should Do To Improve Their Life

Posted: 17 Jul 2014 06:49 AM PDT

dJCNn6kA life worth living is a life worth recording – Marilyn Grey We often find ourselves in a rut where we are demotivated and just not making any progress on the things we want in our life. Despite our countless efforts and persistent action we don't seem to be getting any closer to the place we've envisioned for ourselves. We've all been there and it's definitely one of the most frustrating positions you can be in; doubt. When you don't seem to be making any progress at all you start questioning yourself, your methods and maybe even the entire enterprise you're doing at that time. It's by every definition a creativity killer and has blocked (and will block) many people in reaching their goals. What […]

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