
Dumb Little Man: Don’y Worry About The Future – It’s The Easiest Way to Get What You Want In Life

Dumb Little Man: Don’y Worry About The Future – It’s The Easiest Way to Get What You Want In Life

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Don’y Worry About The Future – It’s The Easiest Way to Get What You Want In Life

Posted: 18 Jul 2014 05:57 AM PDT

Denim-Woman-Spring-PoppiesWorry does nothing but steal your joy and keep you very busy doing nothing. Unknown I've always worried about everything. I don't know exactly when being caught up with the future became a natural state for me, but eventually it did. Every now and then I found myself living in the past, wondering how things would've been if I would have made different choices. When I did something I enjoyed or was with someone important to me I was always afraid of how I would feel when things came to an end. I was never truly present, and thinking about what might happen in the future consumed my energy and sucked the joy out of each moment. I wasn't able to appreciate my everyday life. […]

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