
Dumb Little Man: 4 Reasons Why You Fail At Investing

Dumb Little Man: 4 Reasons Why You Fail At Investing

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4 Reasons Why You Fail At Investing

Posted: 28 Jul 2014 06:49 AM PDT

Warren Buffett And BofA CEO Brian Moynihan Speak At Georgetown UniversityIf you are like the average investor, you fail at investing. I'm sorry to be so harsh, but studies have shown this to be true. The average investor only earns 2% a year while the stock market earns an average of 8%. Why the discrepancy? The main reason is because we are human and we derail ourselves from what should be done. Below I list 4 of the biggest reasons why you fail at investing. Are you guilty of any of these? 4 Reasons Why You Fail At Investing You're A Trader, Not An Investor If you find yourself placing buy and sell trades frequently throughout the year, then you are a trader and not an investor. An investor creates a plan and chooses a […]

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