
Dumb Little Man: 5 Habbits To Achieve Greatness

Dumb Little Man: 5 Habbits To Achieve Greatness

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5 Habbits To Achieve Greatness

Posted: 30 Jul 2014 05:27 AM PDT

Is-Your-Acting-Business-Good-or-GREAT-by-Dallas-Travers-e1346879857372You’ve made the decision. Starting right now you are going to take the necessary actions to develop yourself. Maybe it’s personal development for business, marriage, family, kids, etc. You first need to decide which area you want to develop. I won’t get into that here. In this post I’m referencing personal development as a whole, and principles that will help you on your journey. Let’s begin… 1. Read 10 pages every day – experts agree that most successful people read before going to sleep each night. For most successful people, reading is a non-negotiable! Why? Because the key to personal development is being a life-long learner. The best and easiest way to engage in this process is through books. Some of you might not read […]

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