
Dumb Little Man - tips for life: “8 Good Reasons Why You Suck At Life” plus 1 more

Dumb Little Man - tips for life: “8 Good Reasons Why You Suck At Life” plus 1 more

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8 Good Reasons Why You Suck At Life

Posted: 25 Jul 2014 04:31 AM PDT

best-movie-quotes-oscars-2014-best-picture-nominees-the-wolf-of-wall-streetHaving a great life, enjoying freedom and flexibility in your days, and truly being fulfilled by what you do is something we all strive for. But the bitter reality is that very few of us actually do. Most of us will spend our time here going through the motions of a well-balanced life and die with too many regrets to count. And although this post may come off as a tad negative, its purpose is to serve you a much needed wake up call. You and I don't need to suck at life. We can and should be great and do great things. We should live a life of abundance and prosperity and it's within our grasp to have it. But the truth is that […]

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5 Easy Ways to Brighten Someone Else’s Day

Posted: 24 Jul 2014 05:24 AM PDT

Flattered Woman SmilingIt is an unfortunate truth that as members of the animal kingdom, we are naturally inclined to think of ourselves before anyone else. We can't help the fact – it's ingrained into our brains like last week's lottery jackpot you were one number off winning. However, being programmed with a certain amount of empathy (most of us anyway) we understand there are certain occasions that call for us to put others first – rare occasions in which your fellow human simply cannot continue without the help and support of a friend. Yes, it is admirable when you take time out of your busy schedule to rescue the odd duffer who has decided to take a dip in the canal without first learning how to swim […]

The post 5 Easy Ways to Brighten Someone Else's Day appeared first on Dumb Little Man.