
Dumb Little Man: 21 Questions to Ask Yourself When All You Seem to Do is Fail

Dumb Little Man: 21 Questions to Ask Yourself When All You Seem to Do is Fail

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21 Questions to Ask Yourself When All You Seem to Do is Fail

Posted: 30 Jun 2014 05:35 AM PDT

success1. Am I grateful? Gratitude is a great balancing force. It allows us to be kind to ourselves and have a greater perspective of where we REALLY stand. Find something to be grateful for and remind yourself of it everyday! 2. Are my expectations/goals realistic? Sometimes we can set goals higher than we can climb at one time. Let yourself off the hook and break down your goals/expectations into smaller more do-able pieces. 3. What actions I am I repeating over and over again that never seem to work out? We can have a habit of repeating certain actions or practices, not because they're working but because we're comfortable with them and/or we're too lazy or fearful to come up with a new way of […]

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