
Dumb Little Man: How I've Managed to Make Myself Happy

Dumb Little Man: How I've Managed to Make Myself Happy

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How I've Managed to Make Myself Happy

Posted: 03 Mar 2014 08:03 AM PST

I've had a happy, carefree childhood. For that, I feel lucky. Unfortunately, along the way I've picked up negative thinking habits. It was getting worse for me month by month. It felt like cooking a frog. If you slightly add to the heat, the frog won't even notice. And when you do notice, it's too late.

Or so it would seem on the surface. I was there and got back again (yes, the Bilbo Baggins reference was no coincidence!) Basically, I went from happy, to mildly depressed, and to happy again.

As I feel I had no real control over how I felt as a kid, what made me happy in the first place, and how I became slightly depressed later, I won't write about the two. The choice to become happy again was conscious, and what worked for me can work for you too!
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