
Dumb Little Man: 6 Bad Habits That Make Work Unbearable

Dumb Little Man: 6 Bad Habits That Make Work Unbearable

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6 Bad Habits That Make Work Unbearable

Posted: 11 Mar 2014 07:47 AM PDT

Let's face it, having to be somewhere for 8+ hours each day, even if you like it, isn't ideal. I'm willing to bet that the vast majority of us would prefer to be doing something other than our jobs if we felt we had the choice.

It's a statistical fact that more than 70% of people are unhappy with their current jobs. This is a frightening realization and is due in large part to the habits we develop at work.

As Napoleon Hill once said, "Thoughts are things. We become what we think about all day long." When we think negatively, we start to believe it. We then begin to develop negative habits, which will compound on each other until we become of the 70% of people who hate their jobs!

Here are 6 bad habits that make our jobs unbearable:
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