
Dumb Little Man: How to Look Manly While Being Environmentally Conscious

Dumb Little Man: How to Look Manly While Being Environmentally Conscious

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How to Look Manly While Being Environmentally Conscious

Posted: 12 Mar 2014 06:59 AM PDT

Once upon a time, men drank wine from goblets while sticking their chests out and challenging each other to drunken duels to impress the women around them. That's what being a manly man was all about in the times of empires and ages, where high testosterone levels equaled bravery, strength, and an appetite for blood.

Fortunately, the times have changed, and men no longer have to showcase their manliness by risking their lives. Watching sports, driving fast cars, pumping iron — that's what being a man has been all about recently. But times are changing, and being a man today means caring for the Earth men have inhabited for thousands of years.

With that said, here's how to keep your 'manly' look while being environmentally conscious.
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