
Dumb Little Man: 5 Ways To Eat Your Vegetables Without Trying

Dumb Little Man: 5 Ways To Eat Your Vegetables Without Trying

Link to Dumb Little Man - Tips for Life

5 Ways To Eat Your Vegetables Without Trying

Posted: 25 Mar 2014 07:08 AM PDT

The basic tenets of healthy living are simple. You need to eat more plants. Sounds easy, right? You'd think so, but as you know, it takes an act of concerted will to do the right thing. The world certainly doesn't do you any favors.

There are a lot of reasons why eating fresh vegetables doesn't come easily. They have to be prepared more than other foods, they can be more expensive than cheap processed food, and of course.....they can taste terrible. (If not prepared well).

The best way to eat more plants is not through trying to summon more discipline, because that'll eventually run out. (Although a little helps) The best way is by making the impediments in the previous paragraph less true. If vegetables tasted good, were more convenient and cheaper, you'd probably eat more of them, all else being equal. This might be true of you, and it's probably more true of other people living in your house. After all, you were interested enough to read a report about how to eat more of them, and they weren't.

The following list is not exhaustive, but it's a useful start to help yourself and others give the body the foods it really needs.
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