
THE GAMUTT: Entertainment /Lifestyle Blog

THE GAMUTT: Entertainment /Lifestyle Blog

Techie Tuesday! What's new about the #Samsung #Galaxy5!? New FEATURES, Same Look! [video]

Posted: 25 Mar 2014 03:19 PM PDT

ANDROID USERS REJOICE, the popular Samsung Galaxy 5 is hitting STORES everywhere in April!!  You can ALREADY pre-order the new device in some markets.  But before that, let's see just what we are getting this time around.

More S5 details after the JUMP

Metal body design? Nope. Eye-wateringly crisp 2K+ display? Nuh-uh. Overhauled Android interface? Only a little.

After all the rumors and hype, the Samsung Galaxy S5 revealed with much fanfare at Mobile World Congress on Monday is more an iteration on the Galaxy S line than the fresh, whiz-bang package we'd all come to hope for and even expect.

Yes, it has a fingerprint scanner, and a heart rate sensor, too, not to mention Android 4.4 KitKat and a roster of muscular specs. From what I've seen, the Galaxy S5 shapes up to be an excellent device that will keep Samsung at or near the top of the smartphone heap. Yet the been-there, done-that design isn't novel enough to trample rivals the way Samsung might hope.

Samsung still has a ways to go to re-inspire jaded followers and fans. And those who value luxury materials and crafted designs over Samsung's stamped-out phones should keep the door open for Apple's iPhone 6 and HTC's forthcoming sequel to the beautiful HTC One.



#NaomiCampbell is NOT FEELING #Kimye #Vogue Cover! Peep her REACTION! [video]

Posted: 25 Mar 2014 01:42 PM PDT

It seems that Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's 'Vogue' shoot seems to be having a POLARIZING effect on people AROUND the WORLD.  Some are HAPPY for the megawatt pair and some seem to think they are not DESERVING of such an honor.  On a U.K. morning show, WORLD-RENOWED supermodel Naomi Campbell was asked what she thoight of the cover and she had a VERy INTERESTING REACTION!  PEEP the LAUGH!!

So Campbell chose the 'political' approach.  "I'm a Supermodel....."  So in ESSENCE, Campbell is saying without saying the PAIR are undeserving of the coveted glossy cover!! What are your thoughts???


Racist or Comedy? #NickCannon dresses in 'WHITEFACE' to promote album! [details]

Posted: 25 Mar 2014 01:03 PM PDT

People are not TOO THRILLED that Nick Cannon (the 'Black Ryan Seacrest) donned 'WHITEFACE' to promote his new album, 'White People Party Music'.  In promotions, Cannon can be seen dressed as a 'white hipster', complete with 'white' skin.  OFFENSIVE?  I could be.  But what ACCENTS the sting is a slew of tweets Cannon send out with some rather STEREOTYPICAL 'hashtags'.

GET a LOAD of this!

These are HUMOROUS hashtags, however, they could be deemed STEREOTYPICAL.  I mean if a white person made stereotypical jabs like #GoldTeeth #BadCredit #FriedChicken #HairWeave #NBADreams #Prison #MaltLiquor #Projects #foodstamps I could go on and on but you get the idea.  African-Americans wouldn't really see the HUMOR in that.  But again, comedy is like BEAUTY...in the EYE of the beholder.
To make matters WORSE, the name of Cannon's white alter ego is 'Connor Smallnut'.  (Wait for it.... You get it?)  This is an obvious SWIPE that whites have smaller GENITALIA than BLACKS, right?  IT'S A STEREOTYPE! We've all heard it before. LOL. 

As I write this I can't help but CHUCKLE.. It is funny, but MOST don't have a sense of humore like myself. I don't take things too seriously when it comes to RACE HUMOR....to a degree...

MOST don't find this type of HUMOR FUNNY.  Cannon DEFENDS his actions after the JUMP!

In Hollywood, it's done often, Robert Downey Jr. portyed a BLACK MAN in 'Tropic Thunder'.  Shawn and Marlon Wayans did WHITE FACE for 'White Chicks'.

  And we know that WHOLE MOVIE was based on a string of white/black stereotypes....in the vain of COMEDY.  So is Nick Cannon really being OFFENSIVE? In all honesty, Cannon could have promoted as HIMSELF because he is so UNASSUMING to WHITES, NON-Threatening and LAURELED by WHITE FOLKS!  They LOVE Nick Cannon, so he's going to appeal more to WHITE PEOPLE ANYWAYS.  I mean, he's MARRIED to the WHITEST, BLACK woman in the business... and they LOVE HER TOO...well they used to.. 

But this type of 'controversy' is sure to be good for ALBUm SALES... so CARRY ON NICK.  I actually like Nick and his new jam, 'DANCEFLOOR'. 

 So carry one Cannon.  Keep hosting them white people's shows, and cashing those 'white people's checks.  We NOT MAD AT YOU! At least I'm not... U NEED an INTERN? CALL ME.... 

Moods & Moments: #JaggedEdge 'Promise' [video]

Posted: 25 Mar 2014 02:14 AM PDT

Get COZY---

Grab that special someone and MELT into the NIGHT.  IT'S A chilly SPRING NIGHT, so never make a PROMISE to be there in the MORNING, if you know it's just a ONE NIGHT STAND.

The MOODS & MOMENTS jam of the NIGHT is from Jagged Edge- 'Promise'.


#DWTS News: #NeneLeakes DEBUTS NEW #BamBam-Inspired DO during week 2! [pics]

Posted: 25 Mar 2014 01:28 AM PDT

NeNe Leakes is STILL setting the stage on FIRE at 'Dancing with the Stars'!  And with that BIGGER than LIFE personality must come some CHANGE!  NeNe DEBUTS a NEW DO on week two of the venerable reality show and it is REMINISCENT of a CLASSIC cartoon from the late 60's---The Flintstone's BAM BAM!?

WE KID, WE KID!! We HEART NeNe here at THE GAMUTT and are rooting for her success!  Speaking of, NeNe and her partner have SURVIVED to DANCE AGAIN!  Week two is OVER and NENE has SURVIVED the 1st elimination!  Remember to KEEP VOTING!!!!


Satire or Racism!? #Belgium newspaper DEPICTS #PresidentObama & #FLOTUS as APES! [pic]

Posted: 25 Mar 2014 02:03 AM PDT

What is FUNNY, or SATIRICAL about a NEWSPAPER printing a STORY with photos depicting The President of the Unites States and the First Lady as DRUG-SELLING APES!? Nothing.  Absolutely nothing.  A Belgium newspaper know for it's SATIRICAL CONTENT ran a story recently which insinuates TPOTUS sells drugs and depicts him and the FLOTUS as APES!!

The paper allege that they were simply making a SATIRICAL stance and not a RACIST one.  But ANYBODY knows when depicting anybody of African/African-American descent as an primate has DEEP racial undertones.  The paper has since APOLOGIZED for the story, but who's REALLY buying the APOLOGY?


New Video: #ChrisBrown 'Loyal' feat. #LilWayne & #Tyga [explicit content]

Posted: 25 Mar 2014 12:12 AM PDT

Chris Brown maybe cooling his heels in a JAIL cell right now, but TEAM BREEZY is moving forward with the 'X' train!  Brown's latest single find him and his buddies, Lil' Wayne and Tyga out for a 'night on the town'.  This DANCE-HEAVY video reminds us of the SUPERSTAR that Chris REALLY is when he is FOCUSED on what we know him to EXCEL in--HIS MUSIC and DANCE!  Dig into this video and PEEP the CELEB CAMEOS!

This VIDEO made us feel GOOD right!? It got back to the fun, spirited side of Chris we LIKE!  Did you check the CAMEOS from Usher, Trey Songz and Tye Dolla Sign?  'X' is still slated for a May 5th release, so let's HOPE Chris gets his LEGAL WOES under control by then.....


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