
Dumb Little Man: Present Like The Pros, With Confidence and Grace

Dumb Little Man: Present Like The Pros, With Confidence and Grace

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Present Like The Pros, With Confidence and Grace

Posted: 24 Mar 2014 10:41 AM PDT

"Regardless of how you feel inside, always try to look like a winner. Even if you are behind, a sustained look of control and confidence can give you a mental edge that results in victory." Arthur Ashe
Arthur Ashe was the first black tennis player ever selected for the United States Davis Cup team, and the only black player ever to win the men's single titles at Wimbledon, the US Open, and the Australian Open.
He had great style and often seemed supremely confident on and off the tennis court. What he realised very early on in his career was that displaying confidence would lead to real mental changes.
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