
Dumb Little Man: 3 Little Phrases That Will Change Your Life

Dumb Little Man: 3 Little Phrases That Will Change Your Life

Link to Dumb Little Man - Tips for Life

3 Little Phrases That Will Change Your Life

Posted: 08 Mar 2014 07:55 AM PST

Perception is everything. Some of us see our glasses as half full, some as half empty. Some of us wonder if it's the right glass, or if the stuff inside is fit for drinking. No matter where we stand, there can be little doubt that the way we see the world shapes our experience of the world.

And that's great news, because it means that instead of trying to change or control the world - a monumentally difficult task, we can change the way we perceive it to improve the quality of our experience.

One way we can do this is by changing the things we say when we talk to ourselves. There are millions of possible affirmations and hundreds of books on the topic, but I think that there are 3 unconventional affirmations that have a disproportionately large psychological benefit:

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