
Dumb Little Man: Five Simple Ways To Beat Low Back Pain

Dumb Little Man: Five Simple Ways To Beat Low Back Pain

Link to Dumb Little Man - Tips for Life

Five Simple Ways To Beat Low Back Pain

Posted: 07 Mar 2014 07:12 AM PST

Have you ever suffered from low back pain? If not, you're in the minority. 80% of people will at some stage experience this debilitating condition.

So, if you do suffer from back pain, what action can you take to solve the problem?

Well, the first priority is to change your perception of the pain.

Working as a physiotherapist for the last ten years, I've treated numerous patients who complain that their condition is either hereditary or an inevitability. They refuse to be held accountable, and feel incapable of managing the problem.

This type of attitude gives back pain the power.

The truth is that the vast majority of back pain is avoidable, and is predominantly caused by lifestyle factors. Only with this knowledge can you start to make positive changes to beat your pain.
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