
Dumb Little Man: 6 Simple But Effective Ways You Can Reach Your Goals

Dumb Little Man: 6 Simple But Effective Ways You Can Reach Your Goals

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6 Simple But Effective Ways You Can Reach Your Goals

Posted: 05 Mar 2014 07:19 AM PST

Goals push us to keep going.

They motivate us and help us lock on to a target.

Through evolution we have learned that the best way to get results is to focus our attention on one thing at a time.

And just like hunters in the past, modern humans continue to use goals to find a target, plan to reach it and dominate it.

So keeping that perspective in mind it's important that all of us fully harness the power of goals and know how to effectively reach them. And luckily for all of you that is what I hope to share with you right now.

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