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THE GAMUTT: Entertainment /Lifestyle Blog

LOL! #CamNewton & #ColinKaepernick 'sing' #KatyPerry's 'Roar'! [video]

Posted: 21 Feb 2014 10:51 PM PST

Did you MISS NFL's Cam Newton and Colin Kaepernick singing Katy Perry's hit, 'Roar' on 'Cartoon Network's Hall of Game' Awards!!!

Katy has nothing to worry about!  Let's stick to the football field guys--No 'The Voice' dreams for either... LOL.


#Gladiators! #Scandal Season 3.2 is COMING! 10 SPOILERS & SNEAK PEEK! [video]

Posted: 21 Feb 2014 10:27 PM PST

'Gladiators' you have waited on PINS and NEEDLES for 'Scandal'--the SPRING RETURN!  It is almost at hand!  What can we expect on 'Scandal 3.2'??  Jaw-Dropping DRAMA, DEFINITELY!  We have some INFO on just what's coming down the pipeline.  Let's get caught up, SHALL WE?

10 SPOILERS from Season 3.2!!

When we last left the Gladiators in Suits, Washington's top fixer, Olivia Pope, had just been burned by her mother (Khandi Alexander), who it turns out was the real terrorist of the family and was last seen talking to her daughter while standing in front of the White House. Meanwhile, papa Rowan Pope (Joe Morton) is out of a job after Fitz (Tony Goldwyn) -- whose re-election will be a major theme in the remainder of season three -- tapped Jake (Scott Foley) to head B613.

Over at OPA, the fixers are down one Gladiator after Huck (Guillermo Diaz) tortures and removes Quinn (Katie Lowes) from the family, with the newest recruit running back into Charlie's (George Newbern) arms.

So that's what we KNOW. What can we look forward to on the 2nd part of season 3?? It get's DARKER and we delve DEEPER into the PSYCHE of 'Olivia Pope'! What makes her TICK? We'll get a better UNDERSTANDING this time around.

1. Expect to see a window into Olivia's emotions.
"It's definitely on her mind," Washington says of finding Mama Pope. "What was most interesting for me was the more that we're learning about who her parents are, the more of a window we have into Olivia's emotional reality. I really like that, and that's a lot about what this next part of the season is about."

2. Sympathy for Rowan.
Washington says that Olivia's relationship with Rowan will be far less strained when the season resumes. "There was that great scene when Rowan is in chains and Olivia has that realization that they've both been bamboozled by her mom," she says. "So Olivia starts off this second half of the season with a lot more compassion for Rowan because in some ways, they've both been victims. That's where she is. You'll have to watch whether he is in a similar place or not."

3. It's not a question of if Olivia will have a role in Fitz's reelection campaign, but more of how she makes that decision.
"Whether she's involved or not, how those decisions get made is really interesting and unexpected," Washington teases. Adds Diaz of how OPA will respond after Liv makes her decision: "We're going to stand behind whatever Olivia wants to do. She does choose someone and we completely back her. You might see Huck in a suit in one of these upcoming episodes, too." Anyone else think Huck would make an excellent bodyguard?

4. Quinn will search for a new identity.
Lowes says Quinn, following her banishment from OPA, will struggle to find where she fits in. "Quinn has struggled so much with her identity over the first three seasons. Because Lindsay Dwyer was stripped from her and because she doesn't have a dad, a family or a home life, it's a question of 'Who is she?' And now she doesn't have OPA and that's how she figured out who she was," Lowes says. "It's complicated and sad." As for if the now ex-Gladiator will fight her way back into OPA's good graces, the actress previews it'll be a "dirty and messy" process that may or may not come with her finding a "whole new identity."

5. Sorry, Charlie.
For those rooting for an eventual romantic pairing between Huck and Quinn, don't hold your breath, as Lowes says the latter's romance with Charlie may be here to stay. "There are definitely feelings there between Charlie and Quinn; Quinn couldn't have a normal boyfriend-girlfriend relationship right now; she's not like that anymore," she says. "The closest she could ever have to a boyfriend lies within Charlie. But I do think she's between a rock and a hard place and she has nowhere left to go." Adds Diaz: "Quinn is doing her own thing -- she's sticking with Charlie. Charlie is the only one who's showing her love right now."

6. Huck won't feel bad about ousting Quinn.
Lowes says Quinn will question whether she needs a family anymore and explore if she can even fit back in with OPA at all, while Diaz notes the former B613 baddie won't feel bad about torturing Quinn. "The episode we see on Feb. 27, we're going to see Huck and Olivia have a really intense scene," Diaz says. "I don't think Huck feels bad about what he did to Quinn. He only feels bad that Olivia is going to be upset with him and look at him with these eyes of 'What the f--- have you done?!' That's the only reason he feels guilt or regret for doing what he did. But as far as Quinn, he's still standing his ground and he doesn't think she belongs at OPA anymore at this point. It's weird to see him so staunch and not budging on what he feels. It's a bit upsetting." But is there hope for Huckleberry-Quinn? "I still have hope that Huck and Quinn will mend their relationship," Diaz says. "I oddly feel that what he did to her has brought them closer in a really weird way. He pulled out her tooth and tortured her and something about that has brought them even closer and when -- and hopefully if they do become friends again -- their friendship has gone to another level of closeness."

7. Jake will get "dark."
Diaz says sitting atop B613 might change Jake. "There are these little things that start to seep in, little moments where you see that darkness come from Jake -- and it's really interesting how they're doing it," Diaz says of his former partner in crime. "No one at B613 is sane. There's something off with all those people at B613, and that's really interesting to see Jake start to show that."

8. Finding Mama Pope is on the agenda.

"We're only one script ahead and we haven't seen her yet," Diaz warns. "But you know she's going to come back with guns blazing! Finding her is going to be on their agenda; I don't know if it's at the top, but it's Olivia's mom. They're not going to drop that so easily."

9. Back on the campaign trail and up to no good.
First lady Bellamy Young says the series will spend a lot of time with the campaign in the second half of the season. "There will be all sorts of machinations trying to get us back in the White House for another four years," she says. "We will be joined by the amazingly talented Jon Tenney, who will throw a wrench in the works in the very best of ways." As for speculation that Tenney will play Mellie's new love interest, Young remained mum, offering only that viewers will be "amazed" to see what kind of a role he has.

10. Information is dangerous, James.
New White House press secretary James (Emmy winner Dan Bucatinsky) warns that David Rosen (Josh Malina) has information connecting him with Daniel's death. "They say information is power and information on a show like this is so dangerous. James and Cyrus' (Jeff Perry) relationship is going to get tested more than it was last season. Now James is going to be in the White House as the press secretary, and [to be] that close in a job in this administration during a reelection with David Rosen sniffing around with evidence is so palpable that I feel like the relationship, our professional lives, our ambition, the truth -- it's all a big stew of danger and threat. How do you survive that?" As for James' steamy affair with the vice president's closeted husband, Bucatinsky says it's all part of the fabric of Scandal. "The affair was all about showing the world -- and Cyrus -- what James is made of. The whole show is everybody gets taken to their cliff and it's sink or swim. What are you made of? Everybody proves what they are made of on this show and that's why it's so exciting. None of us really know what we're made of until we read it on the page."


Flashback Friday- #Total perform TOGETHER for the 1st time in YEARS! Talk #Diddy, Love & Reality TV! [video]

Posted: 21 Feb 2014 07:17 PM PST

WHO DIDN'T JAM to Bad Boy's SUPER SEXY, 90's group, 'Total'?  The trio had a GREAT run during Bad Boy's HEYDAY, but they are not DONE YET.  The popular group recently RESURFACED in London performing some of there hits before a SOLD OUT crowd!

The ladies talked about Diddy, music today and their RELATIONSHIPS!

Kima on the music of today
I think music now — no disrespect to any artists out there because there's a lot of artist that I like — but I think it lacks originality. I don't think they put a lot into what they are doing. Like when we recorded, and we did our album, we put everything into it. We weren't rushing to put anything out. We made sure we could follow up with hits. We didn't want to put out one hit, and then not have anything else to put out. So I just think the work ethic is a little different. I think people are just rushing to throw stuff out there and not really putting that artistry behind their project like a lot of the 90s artists did. We wanted longevity and our music is still rocking.

Kima on if Diddy is as bad as people make him out to be:
No! I always tell everybody that I think that we gave Puffy such a hard time, that he was tarnished [after us]. Everybody asks us that question about the [Making The Band contestants] walking to Junior's. I'm like, why didn't they catch a cab? We would've been looking at Puffy like you done bumped your head (It's not going down)! It's not that much of a contract in the world.

On their relationship status

Kima: I'm married. There are six kids. Pam is a newlywed.

Pam: September 20th of last year. Married the man of my dreams so I'm grateful. No babies yet. Soon but not too quick because we got things to do right now. Of course Keisha is married to Omar Epps. She's happily married and has three babies.

Check out the LADIES performing as a DUO in London on Valentine's Day 2014

Word from the CURB is that the group maybe coming to TV---REALITY SHOW WORLD of course...WHY NOT!? I'd WATCH!


#MichaelBJordan has a FEW WORDS for CRITICS against him playing #HumanTorch! [video]

Posted: 21 Feb 2014 06:15 PM PST

There have been MANY CRITICS to come out AGAINST Michael B. Jordan's casting as Marvel comic's 'Fantastic Four's 'Human Torch'.  They are saying that a BLACK man should not have been cast in a role that TRADITIONALLY has been portrayed as a white man with blue eyes.

Jordan had a few words to the HATERS!

  Michael B. Jordan -- Screw the Critics, Fans Will Love My Black Human Torch
  - Watch More
  Celebrity Videos

Right!  They are going to go see it anyway!  I said it was a FEW WORDS!   But seriously, comic books are about fantasy.  It's PURE FICTION, so why not change the characters?  In fantasy you can do whatever you want!  There are few rules or boundaries.  In my opinion the CRITICS that are griping will still check the movie out to at least see how they pull it off!  I'm sure this movie will be a BOX-OFFICE success and the CONTROVERSY will BOOST sales even more.

Let's wait and see...


New Music: #Onyx 'We Don't F*ckin Care' feat. #AsapFerg & #SeanPrice [audio]

Posted: 21 Feb 2014 05:54 PM PST

Onyx FANS!?!? They pioneering rap group is BACK and with NEW MUSIC!  This time they get the assist from NEW JACK rappers, A$ap Ferg and Sean Price for 'We Don't Fuckin Care'!  Check it !

There NEW DISC, 'Wakedafucup' impacts March 9th!


#Beyonce and #JayZ plan to have baby by year's end! [details]

Posted: 21 Feb 2014 03:55 PM PST

Beyonce just kicked off the second leg of her world tour The Mrs. Carter Show last night in Scotland with a revamped set list that included songs from her recently released self-titled album, but if you were hoping that she would return the show stateside afterwards, don't hold your breath. She and hubby Jay Z have other plans,,,, BABY plans. That's right, the couple has decided to try for baby #2 and their plans are quite exact and strategic...almost to the point that it's SCARY! More details after the JUMP!

Beyonce knew all along that she wanted to devote 2014 to adding to her family, which is the reason why she decided to release her album at the end of last year. The decision to do a visual album with a video already accompanying each song was not only a pioneering and unprecedented move, but one which could also allow her the comfort of not having to worry about promoting the album and trying to shoot videos while pregnant.

The couple hopes to already be one month pregnant by he time Beyonce's tour wraps in Portugal on March 27 (which means they need to start trying right about... NOW!). And because the number 4 is so important to the couple, they want the size of their family to be 4, Jay Z wants to conceive the second child while he's 44 years old, and they want the baby to be born on December 4, Jay Z's birthday, They've even gone as far to make arrangements for a C-section to ensure the baby will be delivered on that exact date. Wow. Are their lives that hectic that even something like having a baby has to be so calculated? Whatever happened to letting nature decide? It kind of takes all the joy out of the experience, wouldn't you say?
"Hey, let's go backstage and do it real quick. I'm ovulating!"


#FLOTUS FUNNY! #MichelleObama does HILARIOUS skit with #JimmyFallon #WillFerrell! [video]

Posted: 21 Feb 2014 03:39 PM PST

Watch the FLOTUS, Michelle Obama FLEX her comedic chops alongside funnymen Jimmy Fallon and Will Ferrell in a ''Tonight Show" skit entitled 'Ew'!


Isn't she so AWESOME!!!  Funny, POISED and BEAUTIFUL INDEED!!!


Moods & Moments: #AzYet 'Last Night' [video]

Posted: 20 Feb 2014 11:40 PM PST

'Last Night' was so MAGICAL!  But TONIGHT it going to be even better!  Get COZY with the ONE you LOVE and MELT into it!!!

The Moods & Moments Jam goes to Az Yet-'Last Night'!


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