
Dumb Little Man: Lose More Weight with these 14 Super Foods That Boost Your Metabolism

Dumb Little Man: Lose More Weight with these 14 Super Foods That Boost Your Metabolism

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Lose More Weight with these 14 Super Foods That Boost Your Metabolism

Posted: 22 Feb 2014 07:12 AM PST

If you've been trying to lose weight, just starving yourself won't cut it.

Eventually, you'll start feeling weak and hungry, so you give up and start eating the same things that made you gain weight in the first place.

If you expect to lose weight and keep it off, you don't need fad diets—you need to develop healthier eating habits and kick up your metabolism.

Some foods are easy to eat but then sit like a load of lead in your stomach. Others require more effort to eat, and also burn more calories during digestion.

Eating foods rich is fiber and protein like fruits, vegetables, lean meat and whole grains can increase the number of calories you burn by as much as 30%, so adding these foods to your diet can hasten weight loss.

The higher your metabolic rate, the more fat and calories you're burning. The best way to boost your metabolism is by eating a diet high in protein and low in fat. Research has shown that those who follow a high-protein diet can burn twice as many calories after a meal as those on a high-carb regimen. Here are some foods that can speed up your heart rate or pack a lot of protein into a few calories.
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