
Dumb Little Man: How to Tell if You Have Mind Parasites and How To Get Rid Of Them If You Do

Dumb Little Man: How to Tell if You Have Mind Parasites and How To Get Rid Of Them If You Do

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How to Tell if You Have Mind Parasites and How To Get Rid Of Them If You Do

Posted: 27 Feb 2014 07:15 AM PST

Susan woke early. Early for her was any time before eight on weekdays. Weekends she would sleep in until ten or ten-thirty. However on weekdays, eight meant that she had just enough time to get ready for work, grab a bowl of Special K and get to work three minutes late.

Three minutes late was her little protest that nobody could complain about. It meant she was independent.

This particular morning she had a hangover, though she was a full decade out of college and graduation was the last time, on stiff rum and cokes, she had been drunk, perhaps her hangover was a result of her desire not to be at work. "Maybe I am catching a cold," she told herself.

But her hangover wasn't a cold. And it wasn't caused by her job either. Susan had a bad case of mind parasites. Unlike a heart attack or cancer, her malaise moved in so slowly that she hadn't noticed. Her passion and desire were in decline. She hadn't done anything daring or creative in years; her life and liveliness were slipping away from her.
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