
Dumb Little Man: The Happiness Diet: 5 Food Habits That Can Reverse Depression and Actually Make You Happier

Dumb Little Man: The Happiness Diet: 5 Food Habits That Can Reverse Depression and Actually Make You Happier

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The Happiness Diet: 5 Food Habits That Can Reverse Depression and Actually Make You Happier

Posted: 14 Feb 2014 07:47 AM PST

Did you know that just a few surprising dietary tweaks can boost your happiness, and help speed up recovery from depression?

The number of people on antidepressants is startling.

And when you look at the stats, almost 25% of women and 15% of men in their 40s and 50s are on antidepressants.

Do you know what's even scarier? Medicating (over-medicating) people for depression is also on the rise – by over 400% (SOURCE:)

So what's going on here? Why is everyone so unhappy?
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