
Dumb Little Man: 4 Simple Ways To Help You Let Go Of Your Anger

Dumb Little Man: 4 Simple Ways To Help You Let Go Of Your Anger

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4 Simple Ways To Help You Let Go Of Your Anger

Posted: 26 Feb 2014 09:28 AM PST

It's a gnawing, burning feeling. Deep within your chest, a vice grip has taken hold. It just gets harder and harder to breathe. And then, without warning, you burst—and the damage is done.

Anger has always been a crippling emotion. Just a spark of that heat and it destroys your entire day, week, month, year, or even your whole life. We can never escape the resentment we feel when we react to getting hurt, but anger is just that—it's a reaction. You can always choose how to react when you rise and take control of your emotions. And anger, no matter how powerful it may seem, can be extinguished. Only when you refuse to let it control you can you begin to think and act rationally and solve whatever it is that made you angry in the first place.

Letting go can be daunting, especially when the pain sears inside you like an open wound. But a simple change in mindset can help you let go, and you'll see that it's not as difficult as it seems after all.
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