
Dumb Little Man: Don’t Just Do Something. Sit there!

Dumb Little Man: Don’t Just Do Something. Sit there!

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Don’t Just Do Something. Sit there!

Posted: 25 Feb 2014 11:32 AM PST

It might seem counter-intuitive, but I have found that really sinking into downtime can boost productivity.

Scientists have backed this up.  In an October 15th (2013) Scientific American Article, "Why the Brain Needs More Downtime," research is cited, explaining that rather than "down," as in not working, the brain is actually engaged in other processes that restore crucial functions. True and deep resting periods allow the brain to process what it's taken in, boosts creativity, and encourages a very important inward focus, which, after fielding so much external data, is necessary and healthy.

There are some people who are fans of fifteen minute naps.  More power to you, if you can shut down the thinking factory so quickly.  For many people, finding downtime is not so easy.  Here are some of my favorites.
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