
Dumb Little Man: Debit vs. Credit: Which Should You Use To Be Better Protected Against Identity Theft and Hackers?

Dumb Little Man: Debit vs. Credit: Which Should You Use To Be Better Protected Against Identity Theft and Hackers?

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Debit vs. Credit: Which Should You Use To Be Better Protected Against Identity Theft and Hackers?

Posted: 10 Feb 2014 07:05 AM PST

Were you one of the many Target shoppers whose credit or debit cards got hacked?

I was. And so were 110 million others. The hackers stole customer data, including customer names, credit and debit numbers, card expiration dates, and the three-digit security codes from shoppers who visited Target from November 27- December 15, 2013. Our information was compromised during the peak of the holiday season. Many banks cancelled all cards that could potentially have been affected during the hack, leaving me (and many other shoppers) cardless and annoyed, with potential unauthorized transactions on our accounts.
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