
Dumb Little Man: Jackpot! Important Investment Lessons We Learn from Past Lottery Winners

Dumb Little Man: Jackpot! Important Investment Lessons We Learn from Past Lottery Winners

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Jackpot! Important Investment Lessons We Learn from Past Lottery Winners

Posted: 15 Feb 2014 09:22 AM PST

A massive lottery win can be a joyous and life changing experience, but great fortune seldom comes without burdens of its own. A number of lottery jackpot winners in recent memory have squandered their winnings, and are now no better off because they didn't manage their money wisely. There have been a rare few winners who have increased their winnings because they sought advice on investing, and didn't squander their winnings within a few years.  It is clear from surveying those fortunate individuals who have instead prospered after winning jackpots that certain lessons must be applied to one's own fortune, however small.
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