
Dumb Little Man: Why Self-Confidence Should Be Your Top Goal This Year

Dumb Little Man: Why Self-Confidence Should Be Your Top Goal This Year

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Why Self-Confidence Should Be Your Top Goal This Year

Posted: 12 Feb 2014 09:21 AM PST

Did you set any goals or make any resolutions for the year?

How are they working out for you so far? Are you on track?  Or have you already fallen short or abandoned your goal completely?

If that's the case, you aren't alone. Research from the University of Scranton reveals only 8% of people who make resolutions keep them. We all have great intentions to improve our lives, get healthier, make more money, or improve our relationships. But the vast majority of people fail in their efforts.

There are many reasons people aren't successful in achieving their goals and resolutions.
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