
Dumb Little Man: One Big Reason Why You Should Go On A Facebook Diet

Dumb Little Man: One Big Reason Why You Should Go On A Facebook Diet

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One Big Reason Why You Should Go On A Facebook Diet

Posted: 02 Dec 2013 06:55 AM PST

Using Facebook is fun, but it's not the best experience that life has to offer. It isn't close. I'll prove it to you with an illuminating question.

Have any of the top ten best times of your life been spent on Facebook? Ok, so maybe top ten is pretty exclusive, but how about top 50? Top 100?

Your life's best experiences will likely involve doing something active, probably with other people. Personally, playing a game of cards on a Wednesday afternoon with a friend beats anything from my seven years on Facebook! Facebook does provide social interaction with people, but it's not half as satisfying as in-person interaction, and there's a recent study that proves it.
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