
Dumb Little Man: How to Cope with a Difficult Work Environment

Dumb Little Man: How to Cope with a Difficult Work Environment

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How to Cope with a Difficult Work Environment

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 08:45 AM PST

You've read the reports about the economy, the jobless rate and the difficulties involved in finding employment. The statistics indicate that the world economy still hasn't pulled out of the recession and finding a job -- especially if you're older -- is harder than ever.

So you probably do everything that you possibly can to keep your job, even if the work environment is miserable. Most employees have to deal with a difficult work environment at one point or another but some individuals seem to be able to cope with the situation better than others.

It's never easy to work well when your boss or co-workers are making life hard for you but there are a number of strategies that you can use to diffuse various situations and hold onto your job while retaining your sanity.
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