
Dumb Little Man: Geniuses Aren't Born - They're Made

Dumb Little Man: Geniuses Aren't Born - They're Made

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Geniuses Aren't Born - They're Made

Posted: 04 Dec 2013 07:42 AM PST

Books like The Da Vinci Curse by Leonardo Lospennato do a good job of summing up a problem of our
time: that anyone striving to be a universal genius will inevitably fail.

Because today, unlike in Da Vinci's
time, there's so much competition out there in every field that only people who devote themselves to
one subject are successful. Anyone who wants to be a professional high flyer, the "Father of the Year," a
star violinist, a globetrotter and an art connoisseur all at once should either rethink his priorities or feel
satisfied about being incredibly mediocre in each of these fields. After all, it's rare for a genius to be an
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