
Dumb Little Man: 12 Great Holiday Shopping Apps That Can Save You Time and Money

Dumb Little Man: 12 Great Holiday Shopping Apps That Can Save You Time and Money

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12 Great Holiday Shopping Apps That Can Save You Time and Money

Posted: 01 Dec 2013 08:25 AM PST

As though buying gifts for the holidays isn't difficult enough, the shopping season is shorter than usual this year, with less than four weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

That means you have to make the most of your shopping time—shop fast and shop smart.

Whether you're a power shopper who thrills to the hunt, happily  prowling the malls and discount stores, or the more laid-back type who prefers shopping online and having everything delivered, there are ways you can make this year's task easier.

In olden days, like a few years ago, you had to run from one store to another in search of the lowest prices and best deals, but now you can comparison shop right from your smartphone, provide you have the right apps. Here are a few that can help you save money on gifts as well as all the goodies you need to put together a holiday party or family feast.
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