
Top Stories of the Day // August 11, 2013


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Today's Top Stories // Aug 11, 2013

Apple Will Reportedly Unveil The Next iPhone On September 10

It's about time for a new iPhone and with the rumors about an iPhone 5S and maybe even a cheaper version getting louder, AllThingsD now reports that the next... read more

E-Cig Companies Will Never Promise To Help You Quit Smoking

Two or three years ago, e-cigarattes were exotic. These strange sticks, their ends LED-lit and their owners expelling odorless smoke - "It's vapor!" - would... read more

StartupEquality.org: Remove Restrictions On Gay Investors

Something is amiss with the SEC rules about who is eligible to invest in startups. It doesn't look deliberate -- it is just an artifact of changing times and... read more

30 New Franchises

There is a perfect storm of three distinct disruptive forces that has the potential to topple nearly every major enterprise software incumbent. And the... read more

Read more at techcrunch.com

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