
Dumb Little Man - tips for life: “The 10 Best Free iPhone Apps for Parents” plus 2 more

Dumb Little Man - tips for life: “The 10 Best Free iPhone Apps for Parents” plus 2 more

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The 10 Best Free iPhone Apps for Parents

Posted: 29 Aug 2013 10:09 AM PDT

Being a parent is stressful: from the time they're newborns to the "terrible twos" and beyond, it can be difficult to keep it all together.

The good news?

There are some awesome free apps from your iPhone that can help you stay organized, save money, and (most importantly) keep your sanity.

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4 Ways Entrepreneurs Are Just Like Toddlers

Posted: 29 Aug 2013 08:14 AM PDT

When you have a house of rambunctious kids running all over, it doesn't leave room for you to get any peace. If you can ask a stay at home mom what her biggest wish was, she would no doubt say having a moment to rest. The fact is, kids are a handful. I'm speaking as one who has gotten three kids ready for countless daycare visits, school drop offs and church. So I know all too well the responsibility. I even got so bold as to take a position as an enrollment director for a start up day care. There I was exposed to an army of toddlers every single day. Sometimes I loved it and other days I feared for my life.

Toddlers are such interesting creatures. They have a perception, language and outlook all their own. No two are identical, not even twins. You haven't heard the truth until you've heard it through the lens of a three year old. To say their honesty is brutal is an understatement. They have unbelievable resilience and ability to live in the moment. But what I have noticed as a person recently transitioned into full time entrepreneurship, I am beginning to see some striking similarities.
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6 Easy To Install Productivity Habits

Posted: 29 Aug 2013 07:44 AM PDT

Each time I come back from a long or short holiday, I find the task of throwing myself back into work a seemingly insurmountable challenge. Is it laziness? Is it my penchant for procrastination? Or is it the trepidation of knowing what will undoubtedly spring from the simple act of opening my laptop?

Whatever it is I have decided not to beat myself up about it. While on the surface it may seem wrong that a freshly holidayed human would have any problem jumping straight back into stuff, it certainly is the case with me, so I'm sure it's the same for others. And I know I'm not the only person that gets Sunday Dread a few hours before bedtime on a Sunday, when the realization hits that tomorrow is a work day - well, don't worry these feelings are actually responsibility hiding.

Yes indeedy and I've got a few ingenious habits to help you manage it.
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