
Regretful Morning » drinking stories, walk of shame, college humor, booty call, funny videos

Regretful Morning » drinking stories, walk of shame, college humor, booty call, funny videos

Tongue This D Lightly

Posted: 30 Aug 2013 04:34 PM PDT

Composers are so gangster.

15 Images You Shouldn’t Find Funny

Posted: 30 Aug 2013 11:00 AM PDT

Today we’re going to play a game.  I’ve posted pictures that were taken down for being offensive and you have to look at them without laughing.  If you do laugh, you’re going to hell. #notfunny

15 Lovely Examples Of The Ultimate Underboob

Posted: 30 Aug 2013 08:00 AM PDT

Ahh the underboob.  A magnificent entity with mystical powers.  Some say it started with Spring Break in the late 90′s.  Others attribute its roots to the ladies of the original Woodstock.  But archeologists have determined; the underboob has been around since the first cave-woman covered her flapjacks with the fur of dead animals.  We’ve come […]

Sport Bike Racing, You’re Doing It Wrong

Posted: 30 Aug 2013 06:00 AM PDT

I like the part where the bikes get stuck together. Does this remind anyone else of that video where the two dogs hump and they can’t get unstuck while their owner is laughing?

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