
Dumb Little Man - tips for life: “Find Your Passion: Follow Your Dreams... And Other Useless Advice” plus 1 more

Dumb Little Man - tips for life: “Find Your Passion: Follow Your Dreams... And Other Useless Advice” plus 1 more

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Find Your Passion: Follow Your Dreams... And Other Useless Advice

Posted: 22 Aug 2013 08:54 PM PDT

You hear it every day. "Follow your passions," or, "Live the life of your dreams," or, "Do what you love," or, "Live with purpose."

You read how following your dreams is essential – an inspirational book hits the market every Tuesday highlighting how one person transformed their bleak life into the good life.

And you can't help but ask, "Who Cares?"

Don't you ever wonder why you don't care?

Why does "follow your dreams" do little to nothing to inspire you?

Why can you read book after book on the subject and yet see your life drastically unchanged?

Why does something that seems to motivate so many sound like empty and hollow clichés?

Does passion for your life even really exist for you?
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Paint and Light Your Way To Productivity

Posted: 22 Aug 2013 07:19 AM PDT

According to research, colors and lighting have an impact on our mood and level of productivity.

It's amazing to know that you can affect your level of happiness and success simply by introducing certain lighting or changing the interior paint of the room.

Success may just be a paint swatch away so what are you waiting for.

Here are ways to get the most out of your workspace.

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