
Dumb Little Man - tips for life: “How Do You React To Resistance?” plus 1 more

Dumb Little Man - tips for life: “How Do You React To Resistance?” plus 1 more

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How Do You React To Resistance?

Posted: 13 Aug 2013 04:55 PM PDT

I'm not talking about big resistance like getting fired, but the subtle, more common kind of resistance we all experience every day. Let me explain.

Imagine that you're working on a big project such as writing a book, building a chair, solving a math problem, or planning your day. At some point in this project, you're likely to hit a minor snag. Perhaps you can't think of what to write next in your book, you need more glue for your chair, you're not sure of the correct math operations, or you can't decide whether or not laundry needs to be done today or tomorrow. What do you do?

People in this situation will respond one of two ways, and how they respond in one area is likely to be repeated in other areas as a consistent habit. Put in this situation, people either deflect their attention or push back.
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10 Devices for Under $100 That You Didn't Know You Needed

Posted: 13 Aug 2013 07:32 AM PDT

Life can get pretty hectic, and that is why it's nice to find helpful tools that can give us a helping hand from time to time.

To give you an idea of some of the products that are out there, here is a list of ten devices under $100 that can help to give you a much-needed boost in various facets of your life.

There's a little bit of everything mixed in, from tech to cooking and much more.

Let's jump into the list and check out these products you didn't even know you needed shall we?
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