
THE GAMUTT: Entertainment /Lifestyle Blog

THE GAMUTT: Entertainment /Lifestyle Blog

Wig Snatching!! #TamarBraxton and #Kmichelle TWITTER BEEFING and #ArsenioHall MODERATING!

Posted: 14 Aug 2013 03:53 PM PDT

Another day another TWITTER BEEF!! Ding DING and in this CORNER we have Tamar Braxton and in the other corner we have K. Michelle.  Just when we started liking K. Michelle after her TEARFUL exit from 'Love & Hip Hop Atlanta' she is back up to her old tricks again.

Last night it seems that Tamar and K. Michelle got into a TWITTER BATTLE and Arsenio Hall CHIMED in to 'MODERATE'.  It all went down like THIS:
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So OF COURSE K. Michelle must have THOUGHT Tamar was taking SHOTS at her for BITING HER STYLE!! (We all know Tamar was ROCKING that same SIG STYLE K is rocking now) SO K. Michelle GOES OFF and Arsenio Hall has to INTERVENE to CALM it DOWN!
Get the DETAILS after the JUMP!

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Damn K. GO IN ON TAMAR!! It didn't stop there though

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And that's just what she did:
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It's all good that she is doing something POSITIVE, but Arsenio Hall stepped in to REMIND people of a FEW THINGS!

DAMN!!!!! Ladies and GENTS, stop FIGHTING, but we LOVE IT!!! Don't you just LOVE CELEB TWITTER BEEFING!?

K has an album put now.

 Tamar's is on the way and Arsenio is coming back to LATENIGHT so this PUBLICITY is GREAT for ALL PARTIES, RIGHT?

#Diddy replies with COMEDY to #KendrickLamar's #Control Verse on Instagram! [pics]

Posted: 14 Aug 2013 01:07 PM PDT

While some RAPPERS were ANGERED by Kendrick Lamar's claim that he 'The King Of New York', Diddy took to Instagram to give his COMEDIC REPLY to  Kendrick's GRAND claim!

See what Diddy had to say after the JUMP!

Diddy posted this MEME to his Instagram feed with the words:
Kendrick got y'all niggas takin y'all time now! This is good ! What y'all gonna do now? Haaaaa lol lets go!

FUNNY!  But at least Kendrick WOKE up the SLEEPING GIANTS!  Diddy is indeed the CASH KING of NYC topping the Forbes list again!

#DawnRobinson says #KellyPrice is DEEPLY HURT by her portrayal on #RandBDivas L.A.! Skips Reunion taping!

Posted: 14 Aug 2013 12:19 PM PDT

Have we been keeping up with the R&B Divas in Los Angeles?  For us that have, we know hat the ladies STARTED OUT like SORORITY SISTERS but by season's end were at each other's THROATS!

It all came to a head over the DIRECTOR for Kelly's 'baby' The Not Your Mama Monologues.  It seemed that the ladies disagreed on WHO should direct and that's when we saw sides of Kelly we had not seen before.  Well most of the VIEWING public had not seen.  people privy to the inside scoop KNEW for YEARS that Kelly Price is not the EASIEST to get along with to put it mildly.

Moving forward, Dawn Robinson says her friend is "heartbroken" by her portrayal on the show and how the FANS have TURNED on her.  ALSO, Dawn too must have felt some kind of way because she was ABSENT from the REUNION SHOW TAPING!
GET THE DIRT after the JUMP!

Dawn is saying that Kelly is really HURT by her portrayal on the show:

"Kelly is a wonderful person, and the way they treated her…I've just been praying with Kelly because her heart is broken over what she's sees of herself [on the show]. You build up a career to a certain point, you fought and battled through that career to be heard and seen. People talked about her weight and all the different things, and now to have a reality show tear you down? Uh uh, no, uh uh, no way! I'll be damned,"

Social Media was QUICK to turn on the 'Friend of Mine' singer after she SHOWED HER A$$ with the director and her DIVA ways came out against the other ladies involved as well. Often times people blame the editing for their portrayal on these type shows, but speaking as an editor, we can only EDIT what you give us. If you are FOUL it's going to come out. Regardless if things are omitted or what have you, how a person behaves is just that.  When the cameras are rolling, your TRUE PERSONALITY will come out, so STOP blaming the EDITING. It's YOU, most times!

Dawn went on to say:
"When you show a bunch a stuff, and you have all this footage, and then they just break it down to certain parts of it, and then they omit certain things that you did say, but they don't put that part in there because they want you to look a certain way. So this is why I was telling her, 'Kelly, whatever we do, don't react to people in an angry way, because they're going to film that, and that's what they're gong to show. They want to show us fighting against each other, they want to show anger, the angry Black woman, and you're so much better than that," Dawn says she told Kelly. "Please hold your peace as much as you can, and don't let these people take you off your greatness. You are a queen – we don't go there, don't do it.'"
As for Dawn, some of the castmates have had some choice descriptions of her as well.  Lil' Mo chatted with 'The Breakfast Club' and cleverly called her the 'COWARDLY LION' because of her helpless 'whoa is me' attitude we saw on the show.  At any rate, she must have felt some kind of way as well because she was ABSENT from the reunion show taping last week.

 No word on why she was M.I.A. but I am sure Wendy Williams who serves as the MODERATOR will get to the BOTTOM of it all.


'BOY STOPPPPPP!' #Astro from #XFactor gives a REPLY to #KendrickLamar's #Control! [audio]

Posted: 14 Aug 2013 11:31 AM PDT

It seems that Kendrick Lamar has RUFFLED QUITE a few FEATHERS with his visceral verse on Big Sean's 'Control'.  The 'REPLIES' to the verse are steadily COMING IN.  In 'SIT YO AS DOWN' news a very INTERESTING reply track has surfaced, from Brooklyn teen RAPPER Astro.  *CRICKETS*. Remember the kid rapper from 'The X-Factor' that pouted and cried onstage after getting the BOOT from the hit Fox reality show.

YEAH, THIS KID, he seems to have some words for Kendrick Lamar.
 "Talkin' about how you the king of the state/ That's time wasted/ You kicked harder lines on the Miguel collaborations."
Listen to the REST HERE!

I mean I kinda see where he is coming from, but my thing is, ASTRO who are you? You were on a REALITY SHOW, you didn;t WIN and when you got booted you cried like a baby and refused to perform like a CHILD. RAP is a GROWN MAN's GAME. I'ts nice he wants to throw his hat in the ring, but he needs to get his WEIGHT up. Put out some music that people OUTSIDE OF YOUR BLOCK have heard and maybe you may get some RESPECT. Because right now, WE DON'T BELIEVE YOU, YOU NEED MORE PEOPLE! IJS.

NICE TRY though.


#BigSean SPEAKS OUT about #KendrickLamar's #Control Verse!! [video]

Posted: 14 Aug 2013 07:00 AM PDT

Call whatever you may, but it's safe to say that Kendrick Lamar took 'CONTROL' of Big Sean's 'Control' and used it at HIS WILL!  Lamar CALLS out a SLEW of rappers even BIG SEAN on his own RECORD!
By now we've ALL heard the track, but now Big Sean is finally SPEAKING OUT about the song and the VERSE and all the HYSTERIA that has surrounded it since it DROPPED!

Big Sean even says admits that Lamar OUTSHINES him on his OWN song when he calls out heavy-hitters like Drake and J.Cole et all:

"I think that name dropping really took it over the top for sure," said Sean.

But that doesn't take away from his verse. "I love my verse. I think I have some great quotables in there."

Get the REST of his reaction after the JUMP!

 Big Sean spoke EXCLUSIVELY to Rap-Up TV about the GRAVITY of the song, how it came about and on his reaction to Kendrick Lamar's verse!

It's GREAT that a SONG can SHAKE UP HIP as this particular song has.  Some are offended by the track while others see it for what it is--HEALTHY COMPETITION on WAX and nothing more.  Kendrick is basically saying he is 'THAT DUDE' in the game right now and if the others that were named or NOT named feel differently, PUT OUT THE TRACKS to PROVE it... ENOUGH SAID!



#RandBDivas L.A. in a SHAMBLES! Monologues cause a RIFT in the CAST! #KellyPrice and #DawnRobinson make it a DUO! [details]

Posted: 14 Aug 2013 06:24 AM PDT

'R&B Divas L.A.' started out like a GIRL's PAJAMA party with all the camaraderie and SISTERHOOD that reality tv was missing, RIGHT?  But it soon turned into a TRAIN WRECK as with most reality shows with an ALL-FEMALE cast.  Bickering, egos and innuendo have lead the ladies of the City of ANGELS down to the 'DEVIL'--the devil of reality tv.  Kelly Price, Chante Moore, Lil' Mo, Claudette Ortiz and Michel'le seemed to bump heads over the DIRECTOR of the 'Not Your Mama Monologues' and it was DOWNHILL from there to the point that Kelly and Dawn performed as a DUO and the other cast members were left in the LURCH!  GET THE DETAILS after the jump!

Kelly released this statement:

On Saturday April 20, 2013 In a one night only presentation to an exclusive audience in Hollywood, Ca. Dawn Robinson and Kelly Price bared their souls and told things about their lives and careers that had never been spoken in public before. Shared through dramatic monologues and songs written and performed by the ladies it was an emotional roller coaster of hearty laughter mixed with intense cries. Directed By Torrey Russell (Maya Angelou, Broadway In The Hood) with Musical Direction by Grammy winning producer Anthony Shep Crawford Not Your Mama's Monologues doesn't disappoint. We look forward to the full production of this theatrical jewel coming to the stage in theaters soon!

So where does that leave the rest of the crew? Chante Moore, Lil' Mo, Claudette Ortiz and Michel'le took THEIR version of the monologues on the road with director Fred Thomas!

It's more to this, but DIGEST THIS FIRST and I'll spoon feed you the rest later today...


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