
Dumb Little Man: Is the 9-5 Killing Productivity? Harnessing Your Natural Rhythms to Get More Done

Dumb Little Man: Is the 9-5 Killing Productivity? Harnessing Your Natural Rhythms to Get More Done

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Is the 9-5 Killing Productivity? Harnessing Your Natural Rhythms to Get More Done

Posted: 10 Aug 2013 08:19 AM PDT

The 9-5 working day is so ingrained into modern day society that we barely think to question it. But is sitting at our desks 8 hours a day really the optimal solution for the workers of today?

Observe exactly what you do at work over the course of a day (there is software to track this or you can simply write down everything you do from checking emails to making coffee) and you'll probably find that the number of hours spent doing actual work is surprisingly low.

Most people will find that while they may be at work for 8 hours a day, up to half that time will be occupied by checking emails, making coffee, shuffling papers and sneakily checking in on Facebook.

The fact is that it is physically impossible for most people to engage their brains in activity that requires intense concentration for more than a couple of hours. Even if you take regular breaks, there will be times when you can get an amazing amount of work done in a short space of time and other times when you sit staring at your monitor, getting nowhere.
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