
Dumb Little Man: 5 Signs It’s Time to Drop that Negative Person From Your Life

Dumb Little Man: 5 Signs It’s Time to Drop that Negative Person From Your Life

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5 Signs It’s Time to Drop that Negative Person From Your Life

Posted: 05 Aug 2014 05:07 AM PDT

couple_fightingIt's a hard pill to swallow when we discover that we can't get along with everyone. We all like to think that we are highly likeable and that anyone would be lucky to have us in his or her life, whether it's as a friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, acquaintance, etc. But sometimes people's actions towards us tell us something to the contrary. Instead of valuing and appreciating our characteristics, talents, and skills, they criticize, take advantage of or just outright don't care about them. It seems obvious to rid these types of people from our lives but logic doesn't always win out in this decision. If we are emotionally attached in some way to these negative people, we will look past the lack of respect and […]

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