
Dumb Little Man: 15 Steps to Mindfullness And A Better Work Day

Dumb Little Man: 15 Steps to Mindfullness And A Better Work Day

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15 Steps to Mindfullness And A Better Work Day

Posted: 31 Jul 2014 05:35 AM PDT

o-MINDFULNESS-PRACTICE-facebookMindfulness and Focus are hot topics right now among the Leadership and Management communities. I get questions now and again from clients and colleagues who recognize the value but don’t know where to begin. I understand. The word “mindfulness” can conjure up all kinds of images, usually involving people in business attire sitting cross-legged on boardroom tables. Nothing could be further from the truth, of course, but crossing that chasm from myth to fact can be a bit much to overcome in one giant leap. Luckily, there are some small, deceptively simple steps you can make toward becoming more mindful at work that don’t involve a yoga mat or the skills of a professional contortionist. Here are 15 things you can do starting tomorrow to […]

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