
Dumb Little Man: 5 Daily Habits That Will Make You A More Positive and Happy Person

Dumb Little Man: 5 Daily Habits That Will Make You A More Positive and Happy Person

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5 Daily Habits That Will Make You A More Positive and Happy Person

Posted: 28 Feb 2014 06:48 AM PST

When was the last time someone said that you were too positive? Never. The reason is that we can't be.

The key to success in anyone's life is how happy we are. We may be the wealthiest person on our street, but if we're miserable, we are far from successful.

The problem most of us face is getting caught up in the daily grind of life and becoming worn out, overworked, and over caffeinated stress cases.

Of course with all of life's little (and big) stresses comes the tendency to blame, criticize, and generally take a negative outlook on life.

Unfortunately, there is no way possible to live to our potential or even close to it by being a negative person. It sucks the life from us and everyone around us.
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