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THE GAMUTT: Entertainment /Lifestyle Blog

#LamarOdom ADMITS to "Dark Time" in his life and SLAMS his FATHER in EMOTIONAL Twitter message! [details]

Posted: 24 Sep 2013 11:18 PM PDT

There still maybe HOPE for Lamar Odom in dealing with the CRISIS in his life right now!

In an emotional message posted to Twitter Tuesday, free agent forward Lamar Odom admitted that he is currently experiencing a "dark time," while also taking his "absent" father to task for passing on his "demons" and making disparaging comments about his wife and her family.

Odom — who was arrested in August on DUI charges and briefly entered a rehabilitation center, according to reports — vented in detail after his father, Joe Odom discussed Khloe Kardashian Odom, and the Kardashians in an extended interview earlier Tuesday. Odom has previously stated that his father is a "heroin addict. In the interview, the elder Odoms says the Kardashians drove his son to drugs by putting too much pressure on him and he even calls Kris Jenner an "evil bitch"!

Lamar SPEAKS put about his father's claims, SLAMMING his accusations and praising the Kardashians as being his ONLY TRUE FAMILY! Read the message from Lamar...after the JUMP!

"Won't continue 2 speak on this but I have got 2 let this out real quick. I have let this man and many others get away with a lot of s—. He wasn't there 2 raise me. He was absent ALL of my life due to his own demons.
"My mother and grandmother raised me. Queens raised me. For the first time since they left, came a blessing of a FAMILY that I married into. FAMILY. That man wasn't even invited to my wedding. He has never met my mother in law and some of my other family.
"How can a man who has NOT once called me to check on my well being have the nerve to talk so recklessly about his own "son". He is my downfall! His own demons may be the ONLY thing he gave 2 me. He disrespecting the ONLY FAMILY that has loved me without expecting anything in return. They are the ONLY ones that have been here consistently 4 me during this dark time.
"Only person 2 blame is myself. Say what you want about me but leave the ones who have done nothing but protect and love me out of this! This goes out to everyone!"

There still maybe HOPE for Lamar after all. ADMITTING there IS a problem is a HUGE step in itself. Hopefully this will be the MOTIVATION for him to seek the treatment he needs.

It is getting close to the Kardashian KLAN's annual XMAS card photo. He doesn't want to be LEFT OUT...

But being serious here, we do HOPE that Odom gets the help he needs and that he and Khloe can salvage their marriage.


#KanyeWest calls his 'RANTS', Motivational SPEECHES! Throws JABS at #SaintLaurent creative director! [video]

Posted: 24 Sep 2013 10:43 PM PDT

It's a KNOW FACT that Kanye West, well...has a PRETTY HIGH opinion of himself and his ARTFORM.  But Yeezy takes it to an ALL TIME HIGH in a recent BBC interview with Zane Lowe.  The 'conversation' stars out just like MOST interviews, but QUICKLY turns into one of West's 'motivational speeches' where he compares himself to Michael Jackson and takes SWIPES at Saint Laurent's creative director, Hedi Slimane!

"I got to a point that Michael Jackson did not break down," he says. "I have reached the glass ceiling, as a creative person, as a celebrity… I've been at it for 10 years and I look around, and I say, 'Wait a second, there's no one around here who looks like me, and if they are, they're quiet as fuck.' That means, wait a second, now we're seriously in a civil rights movement."


HMMMMM.....Talk amongst yourselves....


#DMX gets CHECKED by #DrPhil! SNEAK PEEK of the INTERVIEW [video]

Posted: 24 Sep 2013 06:05 PM PDT

I talked about this episode of 'Dr Phil' where he sits down with EMBATTLED rapper, DMX.  In the interview, DMX, real name Earl Simmons discusses his recent RUN-INS with the law, his Detroit naked hotel romp, and his DIRE FINANCIAL dilemmas, including bankruptcy and child support.

In the INTERVIEW, it seems where Iyanla couldn't, maybe Dr. Phil, can indeed FIX Mr. Simmons' life??  In this CLIP, it appears that Dr. PHIL is in control this time around!



#BlackInk News! #Military man gets MASSIVE ANGEL tattoo for the FALLEN SOLDIERS ! [video]

Posted: 24 Sep 2013 04:38 PM PDT

Are you WATCHING VH1's 'Black Ink'??  This show is really GOOD.  Watch a clip of a military man getting a MASSIVE ANGEL tattoo for all the friends and soldiers he knew that PERISHED fighting for our country!!



SAD: 3-year old gets TRAPPED in family's SOFA BED and DIES!! [details]

Posted: 24 Sep 2013 04:13 PM PDT

A 3 year old gets CAUGHT in a SOFA BED and DIES!

A New York City man has been arrested in connection with the death of a 3-year-old girl who got caught inside a sofa bed.

Fifty-year-old Mohamed Barry was charged with endangering the welfare of a child. Police say he was supposed to be watching Aissante Diallo and her 10-year-old sister when the accident occurred Monday at a Harlem apartment.

Barry is the boyfriend of the girls' mother.

The Daily News says Barry told police he had stepped out of the apartment for about 10 minutes.

Police say the sofa bed folded up when the sisters were on it, trapping them. The older girl managed to get out.

Arthur Dash, 35, lives directly below the family.
"It was a freak accident that could have happened to anyone," he said. "These are the types of tragedies you can only pray about. This is a quiet building and a very good family. "
(Fox News)


New Twitter Beef! #TeyanaTaylor vs #RIhanna! [details]

Posted: 24 Sep 2013 03:51 PM PDT

You maybe scratching your head as to WHO IN THE FUCK is Teyana Taylor and why is she taking shots at Rihanna?  Well Teyana Taylor is an artist on G.O.O.D. Music that has yet to release an album but has starred in several STRAIGHT TO DVD movies.  Still scratching your head?? She's the CHICK with the REALLY NICE ABS that is a GOOD FRIEND of Chris Brown.  Ok...now that we are oriented here, it appears that Taylor has taken AIM at Chris' ex, Rihanna in a series of SOCIAL MEDIA JABS!

The BEEF started because Taylor felt Rihanna threw SHADE at her by getting a male 'singer' to impersonate Teyana on Instagram singing the song, 'Caught up in the Rapture'. Hours before, Taylor posted a video of herself singing the song.
And in RIRI style, she coise to CLOWN her LESSER CONTEMPORARY on her singing, or lack thereof.

  So of course Teyana CLAPPED BACK!

Rihanna has no TIME for the PETTY TWITTER BEEFING so she issued this statement:

WOW!!!!!!! Well she DOES make a POINT.  What BENEFIT would it be to Rihanna to BEEF with someone that's FAR LESS famous than she.  It helps Teyana get her NAME back out in the streets...



World Premiere: #Drake - 'Hold On. We're Going Home' [video]

Posted: 24 Sep 2013 11:33 AM PDT

Drake drops 'Nothing Was The Same' disc today and of course you KNEW there had to be a VIDEO for the hit single 'Hold On..' right!?!? RIGHT.  And just as i SUPSECTED Drake goes back to the 80's for the mini-movie of a video with cameos from A$ap Rocky  and others.  CHECK IT HERE!!



#LHHATL News: #Rasheeda SPEAKS ON #BabyKarter and the CURRENT state of her Marriage! [details]

Posted: 24 Sep 2013 11:16 AM PDT

After the TUMULTUOUS season 'Love & Hip Hop Atl's' Rasheeda and Kirk Frost had, you may wonder how are things NOW that the cameras have STOPPED ROLLING?

Rasheeda and Kirk welcomed Baby Karter almost a MONTH ago, so we are left to wonder if the BABY was the 'BAND-AID' to the ROCKY marriage that we saw play out on television.  Rasheeda recently spoke out about her new bundle of joy and the CURRENT state of her MARRIAGE!

Speaking with 4UMF Rasheeda gushed about Baby Karter and also talked about the CURRENT state of her marriage:

On new son baby Karter:
"He's great, he's absolutely great! He's just a handsome little angel. Of course you know the first month – we haven't reached our first month yet – but yeah, it's rough. It's every 3 hours. Doesn't matter the time. Twelve midnight, three in the morning, six, nine, twelve, it's no joke."

On Kirk as a father to baby Karter (after initially demanding that Rasheeda have an abortion):
"He's actually just amazing to be honest with you. He's just been a great father, he's been, you know, allowing me to get my rest as much as possible, and regardless to the fact that you can't get past the crying that you hear from the baby, but he's been really, really great.

You know he's always been a good father regardless of how it looked on television as far as the things he said about 'I'm tired of raising kids,' and whatnot, you know. He has four adult children over [age] 18 that he was more so speaking about, but as far as him in Karter's life, he's just been 100% just doing his damn thing."

On whether or not they would have the same problems without reality tv:
"I think so, because we've been through so many different things in our relationship. Then you've got everybody weighing in and trying to see what's going on…I'm not saying the same issues, but just different issues within your marriage, you know what I'm saying. And I look at it like it's relationship problems, it's marital problems. Some people can't relate because they haven't been in a relationship or marriage.

At the end of the day, yeah, it does seem like it could be a reality curse. I'm not 100% saying that happened in my relationship, but I think with it playing out on TV and stuff like that, and you having so many people weighing in on it, sometimes people get persuaded by outsiders. But you've just got to follow your heart and do what's best for you as an individual and as the person living in the relationship."

On rumors that they faked relationship problems for TV:
"I got pregnant, and Kirk wasn't happy about it. The sh*t was the real deal. He felt like he felt, and went and did what he did, and that's him. It wasn't no fictitious sh*t. I mean, people go through stuff, and the killer part that really be bugging me out is, the reason why people could relate so much is a lot of us been through that type of situation.

We have other sh*t that goes on in our relationship that people may not have seen just for the simple fact that it's too many damn people on the show, and you don't have all that camera time to speak to everybody. At the end of the day, we're real people with real issues, with real problems, and the difference is it played out on TV with cameras in front of us, straight up and down."

On she and Kirk's current relationship status:
"I mean you just take it one day at a time, and the main thing is just being parents number one, and then just continuing to grow our friendship, and to try to get back in a place."

But you just don't rush things, you just take one day at a time and just keep it moving."

So right now it appears they are in the LULL PERIOD of welcoming a new baby and that's a TEMPORARY band-aid to the situation.  But it also sounds like Rasheeda hasn't quite moved on from Kirk's transgressions either.  And it'd be in her BEST interest not to let TOO many of the details out, otherwise what would there be to TALK ABOUT on the next season of LHHATL? Right?

It's going to be INTERESTING to see how the two WORK THEIR way back to each other or go their separate ways on the UPCOMING season....

At LEAST Kirk is being a good dad....for NOW... Just keep Benzino and Bobby V. out the picture and they may be OK.



35-y.o. Prison Officer WOWS #XfactorUK with #Beyonce's 'Listen' [video]

Posted: 23 Sep 2013 11:39 PM PDT

NEVER judge a BOOK by its cover!! Watch as Sam Bailey STUNS the X-Factor Judges with her RENDITION of Beyonce's 'Listen'!!!

This lady can SING!!!


Sneak Peek: #JustinTimberlake Talks performing for #Obama with #JayLeno! [video]

Posted: 23 Sep 2013 11:24 PM PDT

What could be better than visiting the WHITE HOUSE? Actually getting to PERFORM for the PRESIDENT!  Justin Timberlake stopped by Jay Leno to talk about his experience performing for President Barack Obama and why he thinks TPOTUS is the coolest guy he ever met!!



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