
Dumb Little Man: Eye Opening Lessons Learned From Beauty Pageant Life

Dumb Little Man: Eye Opening Lessons Learned From Beauty Pageant Life

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Eye Opening Lessons Learned From Beauty Pageant Life

Posted: 28 Sep 2013 07:52 AM PDT

As odd as it may seem, recently I had the honor of being a guest judge for a regional Miss Teen beauty pageant.

It was my first experience into the world of pageantry so I was committed to doing my home work.

I sat down to watch a few episodes of Toddlers & Tiaras and I was completely blown away. I had no idea this industry was so huge and more importantly, so cut throat.

I must admit, I was anxious walking into the airport hotel where the festivities were being held. Throughout the two day contest, I certainly laughed and sighed, and above all, I saw some important lessons.
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