
Dumb Little Man: How To Motivate Yourself and Improve Focus, Organization and Productivity to Reach Your Goals

Dumb Little Man: How To Motivate Yourself and Improve Focus, Organization and Productivity to Reach Your Goals

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How To Motivate Yourself and Improve Focus, Organization and Productivity to Reach Your Goals

Posted: 18 Sep 2013 06:25 AM PDT

At one time or another, not to say all the time, we are faced with a task whose outcome promises to yield many rewards, but whose execution is, to say the least, prone to procrastination. So if the project's payout is attractive enough, what can we do to overcome the laziness that slows us down?

Let us first agree on one basic premise: everyone's definition of success is different, both quantitatively and qualitatively. Due to the subjective nature of success, the truly self-motivated will often redefine success over time, setting new goals based on the milestones reached and especially the checkpoints missed. If our drive to success takes us down the path of one of humanity's most abused metaphors - a long and winding tunnel sporting a brightly lit exit - then our motivation is similar to a GPS navigation tool's ability to retrace the most efficient route every time we take a not-so-brightly-lit exit out of the tunnel, or in this case, out of a project.

Put more simply, motivation is what allows us not to lose focus while remaining pragmatic. In that sense it will forever nurture its relationship of interdependency with one's definition of success, whereby one is useless without the other and whereby Les Brown is right in stating that "Wanting something is not enough. You must hunger for it. Your motivation must be absolutely compelling in order to overcome the obstacles that will invariably come your way".
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