
Dumb Little Man: 7 Ways to Stop Looking in your Rearview Mirror and Focus on the New Road in Front of You

Dumb Little Man: 7 Ways to Stop Looking in your Rearview Mirror and Focus on the New Road in Front of You

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7 Ways to Stop Looking in your Rearview Mirror and Focus on the New Road in Front of You

Posted: 21 Sep 2013 06:35 AM PDT

"Never look back unless you are planning to go that way" – Henry David Thoreau

"Focusing on your history robs you of your destiny" – Bishop T.D. Jakes

It is human nature to review our past.  After all it is what has led us to where we are today.

Our past is familiar.  We know what happened (at least our version of what happened) and the future is unknown and scary.

Looking in our rearview mirrors is especially common when we are coming out of a marriage or a relationship.  We play it over and over again.  What could I have done differently?  How could they have done that to me?

The danger is that we spend so much time looking at what's behind us that we find ourselves stuck in place, or worse, we crash because we are not focused on where we are going.
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