
Dumb Little Man - tips for life: “Are You A 'Call Of The Wild Man' Willing To Risk Everything?” plus 1 more

Dumb Little Man - tips for life: “Are You A 'Call Of The Wild Man' Willing To Risk Everything?” plus 1 more

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Are You A 'Call Of The Wild Man' Willing To Risk Everything?

Posted: 27 Sep 2013 12:51 PM PDT

Do you hanker to hike the Appalachian Trail? Care to climb Kilimanjaro? Dream of daunting feats of physical fortitude? The wife of a wilderness junkie would like to hear why.

 There is a point when most men, no matter how derring do their attitude, might decide that the prospect of combining saltwater and blisters in sensitive spots is a discomfort too far.

And then there's my husband.

Now I'm not saying he has acquired any of the aforementioned salt-stung-sore-behind symptoms - yet. But it's just one of the tantalizing prospects I've asked him to consider in his blinkered quest to row the Atlantic.


In a tiny boat.
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Focus On Achieving Your Goals And Defeat Your Need For Perfectionism By Using The Completionist Mindset

Posted: 27 Sep 2013 07:27 AM PDT

How many of you out there are perfectionists?

You know, those people who spend all their time and energy fine-tuning the details to death.

Are you guilty?

While some of you may not completely identify as a perfectionist, I'll bet you've done it on more than one occasion.

After all, perfectionism is a mindset; it's a mindset of rigidity and unrealistic ideals.

Nobody's exempt from falling into ineffective thought patterns, so really consider whether or not you've fallen prey to the monster known as perfectionism.

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