
Dumb Little Man: No Time to Workout? Here's How to Keep Fit and Exercise When You're Traveling (Or Don't Have Access to a Gym)

Dumb Little Man: No Time to Workout? Here's How to Keep Fit and Exercise When You're Traveling (Or Don't Have Access to a Gym)

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No Time to Workout? Here's How to Keep Fit and Exercise When You're Traveling (Or Don't Have Access to a Gym)

Posted: 11 Sep 2013 06:29 AM PDT

If you're like most people, you don't have a problem fitting exercise into your normal day-to-day routine.

Maybe you go to the nearby gym a few times a week, do a bodyweight workout or two at home before work, and head to your local park on the weekends to crank out some pull ups and get some fresh air without any problem at all.

But more likely than not, as soon as you switch into travel mode and away from your normal routine, your exercise habits go out the door. 

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