
Dumb Little Man: Making Friends and Increasing Business Contacts is Easy If You Know These 7 Secrets of Socially Successful People

Dumb Little Man: Making Friends and Increasing Business Contacts is Easy If You Know These 7 Secrets of Socially Successful People

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Making Friends and Increasing Business Contacts is Easy If You Know These 7 Secrets of Socially Successful People

Posted: 24 Sep 2013 09:14 AM PDT

We all know people who are beloved by everyone and seem able to make friends wherever they go.

Some regard them with admiration tinged with a bit of envy, then shrug their shoulders and figure those people are just born with that special "something".

It might be surprising to learn that being popular is a skill that can be learned like any other.

Just as you wouldn't expect to wake up one morning knowing how to play the piano, the key to success in making friends is setting goals and developing a game plan. Use these seven tips as the framework on which you build your skill set.
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