
Dumb Little Man: How to Survive If You Lose Your Job And Get On The Road To Finding A New Employment Opportunity

Dumb Little Man: How to Survive If You Lose Your Job And Get On The Road To Finding A New Employment Opportunity

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How to Survive If You Lose Your Job And Get On The Road To Finding A New Employment Opportunity

Posted: 17 Sep 2013 07:11 AM PDT

In a world where the only constant thing is change, it's best to be prepared for the unexpected — like losing one's job.

However, many people may still be caught off guard when they suddenly receive that dreaded pink slip, especially if they're still on the road to becoming financially stable.

The usual initial reaction may be shock and dismay, followed by this question: "What do I do now?" Hopefully, this article will help answer that somehow, and be a guide for the unemployed who don't want to be financially broke.
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