
THE GAMUTT: Entertainment /Lifestyle Blog

THE GAMUTT: Entertainment /Lifestyle Blog

Get That Look! #NickiMinaj UNVEILS new FASHION LINE for #KMart! [pics]

Posted: 18 Sep 2013 03:28 PM PDT

BARBZ and KEN BARBZ??? Want to LOOK like NICKI MINAJ!!?? Well now you can and it's AFFORDABLE!!!  Nicki Minaj UNVEILS her all new FASHION LINE, 'Nicki Minaj' for K-Mart!! Take a LOOK and see if something TICKLES YOUR FANCY!!!


I wonder if the FABRIC is CHEAP though?
The NEW LINE debuts later this FALL!


#PaulaPatton SCOFFS at Miley #VMA performance! TWERKS on #AlRoker![video]

Posted: 18 Sep 2013 02:53 PM PDT

For all those FANS out there that were WORRIED about Robin Thicke and Paula Patton's MARRIAGE in the wake of Miley Cyrus' SEX-TINGED GRINDFEST at the VMA's, need not.  Paula Patton is NOT WORRIED at all!  On 'The Today' show, Patton shrugged off the PERFORMANCE!

"(Miley and Robin) rehearsed for three days, and Robin told me in advance," Patton said of the prep for the performance. "I've got to be honest with you: I don't know what people thought Miley was going to do — I mean, sit down and play piano? It was shocking to me," she explained. "You know what is so funny? He finished, and I was like, 'That was great! You guys killed it!' … Woke up the next morning, it was like, I got all these texts, like, 'Praying for you,' 'Hey, I'm here for you.' I'm like, 'What?!'"


"I don't know if you guys have been to a club lately, but that's how girls dance at the club," she said. "My friends dance with him like that. It's just what they do."

Patton was unfazed by the whole thing. And to prove her POINT, she began to TWERK all UP ON Al ROKER!!! Check it out!

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#Ciara REVEALS RACY 'Overdose' SINGLE COVER!! [pics]

Posted: 18 Sep 2013 02:01 PM PDT

Are you READY for Ciara's 'Overdose'?  This is the 3rd official single lifted from her self-titled project and will be hitting the AIRWAVES really soon.  But its the ARTWORK that has people's tongues WAGGING!!  TAKE A LOOK!!

We wonder if that's BF Future she is RUBBING ON like that, and what exactly is she LOOKING FOR? 

I hear the VIDEO is EQUALLY as HOT!!!

SAY WHAT!? 'Hide Ya Kids, Hide Ya Wife' #AntoineDodson is HAVING a KID with NEW GIRLFRIEND!!! [details]

Posted: 18 Sep 2013 01:42 PM PDT

Mr. Hide Ya Kids, Hide Ya Wife, past Internet 'sensation' Antoine Dodson is EXPECTING a CHILD with NEW GIRLFRIEND!!  *Pull the needle off the record*  Yes, you read correctly!!!

I just became the happiest man alive!! My beautiful Queen and I are having a baby!!
That's all I am going to say on this topic.  TALK AMONGST YOURSELVES.....


#RHOA SEASON 6 TEASER!!! #NeNe and #KenyaMoore COLLIDE! Porsha REVEALS all!! [video]

Posted: 18 Sep 2013 12:49 PM PDT

Are you READY to go back to the PEACH ORCHARD?

Look who's SHAKING the TREES this season.  Porsha Stewart reveals ALL about her failed marriage, Kenya Moore gets EVICTED?  New BABY for Phaedra and Apollo and is there TROUBLE in PARADISE for Kandi and Cynthia??? Oh, an did I forget to mention NeNe is BACK IN THE ATL, and she has to remind Kenya just "who the F*CK she is!!!"

Get a TEASER of what's to COME!!!

The NEW SEASON IMPACTS November 3rd!!!!!!


Bey In Brazil! #Beyonce DROPS 65k for 10-day stay at South American Manse! [details]

Posted: 18 Sep 2013 01:00 AM PDT

When KING BEY travels and works, she TRAVELS in STYLE!!  Beyonce is CURRENTLY on the BRAZILIAN leg of her SOLD OUT tour and is enjoying the sights and sounds of the region staying in a luxurious mansion by the beach in Trancoso, Bahia a TRENDY fishing town in Brazil.

Beyonce has been enjoying the locals and they have been enjoying her as well. And of course Bey had to bring along her 'ENTOURAGE' which includes Baby Blue and Tina Knowles. What's the PRICE TAG on the MANSE? Just a MEAGER 65k for the 10-day stay. But Beyonce is maintaining the property herself, cooking and cleaning and enjoying the sights with a little help from Tina of course!!! WHY NOT!!!?? LIVE IT UP BEY, you deserve it!


#JanelleMonae ADDRESSES GAY RUMORS with #SwayinTheMorning! [details]

Posted: 18 Sep 2013 12:08 AM PDT

Eclectic, soul CHILD Janelle Monae has been having a GREAT YEAR so far.  Successful Covergirl campaign, new album, raves reviews and the whole 9. Of course with FAME usually always follow the GAY RUMORS!!

Curiously enough, we never hear of Janelle Monae being ROMANTICALLY connected to any MAN...

Sway Calloway addresed the rumors HEAD ON on his morning show, and MONAE had some INTERESTING RESPONSES for him!

Check out what SHE HAD TO SAY....after the JUMP!

When Sway pressed Janelle Monae about the GAY RUMORS that have been 'swirling' the sophisti-pop singer had this to say:

"Women are amazing…and so are guys. There's nothing wrong with being bisexual, there's nothing wrong with being lesbian or gay. I am an advocate. I have friends who are in same sex relationships and I feel love has no sexual orientation. Love has no religious belief. Love is the purest and most important thing we can possess for ourselves and for others."


Monae goes on to say:

"I keep my personal life very much to myself. I want everybody to focus on my music. I also don't want to let anybody down. I want women to still be attracted to me. Go get my album! I want men to still be attracted to me so I have to be political in this. So I can't really tell y'all!"

So Janelle PLAYS POLITICIAN on the issue. She neither affirms or DENIES... but LEAVES the 'DOOR OPEN' so to speak. She could have easily said she loved MEN, but she leaves us with an AIR of MYSTERY.....

JUST BE.....


Moods & Moments #AlBSure 'Oooh This Love Is So' [LIVE]

Posted: 18 Sep 2013 12:48 AM PDT

YOU KNOW what time it is...TIME to MELT into the NIGHT!  Grab your BOO thing and make the most of this chilly night in ATL!  The seasons are CHANGING, it's really time to SNUGGLE UP!  Let's go back to when LIGHT SKIN was in STYLE and one of the 'TORCH CARRIERS' of the 'movement' in the 90's is none other than Al B. Sure! with 'Oooh This Love Is So'.

And here is a LIVE version..
THANKS Rob Spiegel!!!


Teacher #EthelAnderson on TRIAL for MOLESTING 12 year-old student! Admits to ORAL SEX! Could face 125 years in PRISON!! [video]

Posted: 17 Sep 2013 11:33 PM PDT

This is beyond CHILD ABUSE, but a 30 year old former teacher is on TRIAL for molesting a 12 year old BOY!!!  Ethel Baker COULD face 135 years in jail if convicted on all felony charges.  The prosecution REVEALED racy, sex-tinged TEXT MESSAGES in court and  the victim who is now 14  testified as well.  Get details of the VICTIMS TESTIMONY and here from the Ethel Anderson after the JUMP!

HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, Fla. - A 14-year-old boy testified Wednesday that when he was a 12-years-old, his former elementary school teacher and tutor told him she loved him.
He also testified that Ethel Anderson asked if he ever consider having a baby with her.

Ethel Anderson wept in court and then took the stand in her own defense.
She testified that she never engaged in inappropriate sex acts with a 12-year-old student. She did admit to sending inappropriate texts because she feared he was emotionally unstable.

But that student, who turned 14-years-old Tuesday, said the two had a three-month relationship with his 5th grade teacher Ethel Anderson.
He said Anderson was also his fourth grade teacher and first grade teacher.

Anderson faces nine felony counts of lewd and lascivious molestation. T
he 30-year-old turned down a 15 year prison deal followed by 15 years of probation, deciding to take her chances with a six person jury- three women and three men.

"I felt like she was a girlfriend, I loved her and she said that I was her boyfriend and she loved me," said the boy who we are not identifying, due to the nature of these charges.
"She would kiss me on the neck and ears and stuff like that," he continued.

Kissing, touching and more the boy testified happening in Anderson's Riverview home, where she privately tutored him.
A home she shared with her husband, child and even another teacher.
The boy said relationship started just months after his 12th birthday.
And it was him, who did not want it to go further.

"We sat on the couch and we started doing sexual stuff, at first I told her to stop and she was rubbing on my leg but then it just led to more," he said. "She would say she wanted me so bad and she wanted me to go farther i just did not want to lose my virginity to a teacher."

The boy's mother, who we are also not identifying, took the stand. She told the jury she alerted authorities. Deputies asked her to wear a wire and meet Anderson. Jurors heard that secretly recorded conversation. At first, Anderson denies the allegations. "Oh my gosh no," Anderson could be heard saying. The mother remains calm throughout the entire conversation, although in court she wept after hearing it replayed. She kept pressing Anderson, who cried so hard it's hard to understand her reply. "Did you touch him, Did you do this to him?" Anderson wept and her response was unintelligible. Anderson eventually admits in the tape, they had oral sex. In her testimony, Anderson testified she only admitted to sex acts in the secretly recorded confession by the boy's mother, only because that is what she thought the mother wanted to hear.


So SHE went along with the EXPLICIT SEXTING and 'relationship' because she says the victim was SUICIDAL and had EMOTIONAL problems!? REALLY?  Did she EVER think to contact the young boys PARENTS to discuss these alleged 'problems' instead of TAKING ADVANTAGE of him?  This lady has to be UTTERLY STUPID if she thinks a JURY is going to BUY that!

Hopefully she is preparing for PRISON because that is where she belongs.  IJS.  This is just DEPRAVED activity from an ADULT in a supervisory position of a MINOR!!  What type of 'FANTASY' land is she LIVING IN?


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