
Dumb Little Man - tips for life: “Promote Your Business and Promote Yourself By Using Your Blog for Networking” plus 1 more

Dumb Little Man - tips for life: “Promote Your Business and Promote Yourself By Using Your Blog for Networking” plus 1 more

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Promote Your Business and Promote Yourself By Using Your Blog for Networking

Posted: 23 Sep 2013 01:47 PM PDT

I'm probably preaching to the choir here, but one of the most powerful vehicles for getting ahead in business or in your career today is through blogging. 

Very few technologies have come along in the last 10 or 20 years that combined ease of use, versatility, and visibility in quite the same way as blogging has.

Throw in the fact that blogging is dirt cheap and you have a winning combination.

As a result, blogging has become a great tool not just for promoting yourself or your business, but also for networking with VIPs, thought-leaders and others.

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Do Your Brain A Big Favor With These 15 Healthy Foods That Can Make You Smarter

Posted: 23 Sep 2013 07:29 AM PDT

A diet heavy in sugar, caffeine and preservatives can not only make you feel like crap, but can also slow down your brain function.

If you want to achieve maximum brainpower, you need to consume foods high in important nutrients like fiber, antioxidants and Omega-3 fats.

Here are a few healthy foods that can make you smarter and improve the way you feel.

Incorporating as many of these foods into your daily diet can go a long way to making you look and feel better.

Let's get right to it.  In case you already forgot these foods will help boost your brain power.

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